Umeomaru - 梅王丸


Among the tachiyaku (male roles) in Kabuki plays, this is a dauntless and daring aragoto (exaggerated style) character, typically using superhuman powers to punish evil persons.

Adopted for the actor’s makeup is sujiguma, with its bold red strokes on a bright white skin, used to stylistically express actions taken with vigorous enthusiasm and convey anger.

The Theme of Anger is also extended by the extensions of the flames along the leg sleeves, which provide a foundation as the inner working of The Holy Fuji San, as in a dormant volcano.

The face strongly manifests as the sky and the landscape, a reflection of the Human condition,
as when controlled by fear or anger, it has the power to transform our reality and distord our perception.

It is especially during a period of emergency our crisis, that we need to remain calm and focused.

This is part of a life size prints currently in development.

If you wish to order a print, or request another size,
Please get in touch!



Contact :

Instagram : @yosotattoo


Spirit Ball


Heaven meets Earth.