Richard aka Rase02, Valencia, Spain

Richard, XTATTOO, tattoo artist, valencia tattoo studio

An amazing tattoo artist based in Valencia. Richard, One of my best friend at work. Doing some really good work. With an outline as sharp as the frozen wind. His own style in my view is characters and strange mythical creatures inspired by all kind of philosophies with a slight accent on Buddhism. Also a lover of traditional Japanese style. He always add his personal touch! And gives it a contemporary feel! Amazing at tattooing stories and doing some amazing body flow. If you ever go to Valencia, and need a tattoo, this is the guy to go to. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get an appointment as he is almost always fully booked! If you want a little symbol or something, you are not going to get the most of him! This guy likes it challenging! If you find him! say YOSO sent you! He's gonna look after you :)

Peace bro!


Fudo Myo Study, colour


Syodai Hokuoh